Pest Management Actions That Can Work For Poultry Houses

Each poultry house has pest problems. The pest problems increase due to changes in weather conditions. One of the main problems faced by poultry producers during management is pest problems. Flies, beetles, mites, bed bugs, lice, fleas, are often a major concern for poultry operations. In that case, all poultry producers want to get rid of them as early as possible. Pest may create barriers in poultry establishments. Various sorts of pest control methods can be used for effective results.

In the winter season, many poultry producers conserve housing heat for poultry birds. As a result, the rate of moisture increases in the air. At the same time, moisture increases when the birds of poultry take a breath. Moreover, moisture increases in the dropping of them also. Hence, the number of pests increases.  

Integrated Pest Management is one of the best methods. Through the implementation, producers can minimize the damage from these pests. IPM is systematic, trusted, and effective pest management for poultry farms. 

Integrated Pest Management strategy is the best approach for pest control in poultry houses. The main objective of Integrated Pest Management are as follows:

  • To keep away from superfluous and unfruitful pesticide application.
  • To utilize fitting management strategies. Moreover, the specialists stifle the fly population.
  • Through IPM producers decide the need for pesticides application and the appropriate time, in addition, the proper place to apply the pesticides.
  • To monitor pest control action and its effectiveness.


By monitoring the fly populations, it helps to make control decisions. Flyspeck count, sticky fly tapes, baited jug traps, and larval stamping are some methods that are there in surveillance.

If poultry producers want to catch approx 75 flies with less effort. Then moving tape count is the best surveillance method for pest management. All we need is to walk 5 minutes each day just to catch flies. 

FlySpeck Counts are an economical way to determine whether fly control is needed or not. Producers place the cards in ceilings, braces, and other fly-resting areas. Change the cards once a day or week. Changing cards depend on the pest population. One thing to be kept in mind is to label the back of each card with the date and location. Following the same process, each week gives fruitful results.

Sticky fly tapes are not considered a good choice for pest management in poultry houses. It becomes ineffective after 3 to 4 days because of dust or flies covering.

Baited jug traps are quite an expensive method than other surveillance methods. But they offer greater sensitivity to fly population changes. 

In poultry farms, the main hot spot for pests’ growth is their shit and manure. As they remain wet thus, attract many flies. So, the trusted pest management advice to poultry producers keeps the pits walkable, clean, and water-free. When the water is accumulated in manure, then Fly larval breeding is a common problem. As a result, pests increase. However, treating manure widely and excessively will kill the beneficial agents.

Key Steps Of Integrated Pest Management:

An Integrated Pest Management should be customized according to the poultry house’s specific needs. But all programs will include these major key steps:

  • Assessing the situation with a thorough inspection. It helps to know the type of pests and the severity of infestation.
  • After the inspection, the next step is the implementation of control methods according to the situation.
  • Last but not least, most important is monitoring for effectiveness. Pest Management is incomplete without monitoring.

Cultural control methods like manure management and moisture control can help to reduce flies. To maximize fly control use pit fans, repair leaks in water systems, provide adequate ventilation, proper grading, and drainage.

Under Integrated Pest Management Service, we focus on non-chemical methods, before resorting to chemical treatments. There are amalgamated non-chemical pest control services available for poultry owners. 

One IPM strategy is not proving beneficial for all farms. The most important thing is monitoring and evaluation to check the effectiveness of the IPM approach. Thus, poultry owners need to evaluate the IPM strategy and trail to meet the specific needs of the farm. So, just hire the experts of Pest Control Newstead to get reliable IPM strategy.